The inspiration –
I had heard Francis Chan reading this scripture and marveling that our prayers are in these bowls up in heaven, and the Lord gave me a vision – my first vision of a painting – ever! It lived in my heart and mind for months and months and I began to paint it before the COVID break out. As the artwork emerged amid the pandemic I had a burning desire to post it on Facebook to share as an encouragement to pray – that God hears the prayers of His people.
In MAY 2020, Pastor Brian Gibbs speaking about Revelation 5:8 and the PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS- “It’s a revelation. Jesus said these words in Mark chapter 11 verse 17 ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer’. There’s the prayer, there the worship, there’s the incense arising – it will be a burning house of prayer, a burning house of worship, incense going up before God. …There’s something about the heart of God that has to be discovered in this. There’s something in the way God works with all humanity through the burning of prayer. You ain’t going to get anything being casual and content and apathetic. You have to be a burning heart to pursue God with all that you are and everyone of us has to learn… the mystery, the power and the beauty of a real prayer life. Of what it means to burn before God alone. “
The original painting lives at Victory a Church of His Presence